Mar 24Liked by Marco Annunziata

Brilliant review Marco. I'm definitely going to get and read this book. I thinka more detailed analysis and study of the whole 'consciousness' issue is worth a whole article!

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Mar 23Liked by Marco Annunziata

Re: "I was especially happy to see my same exact reaction to the notorious ‘simulation hypothesis,’ namely that we might all just be characters living in a computer simulation created by a far superior intelligence. The question of whether that might be the case is—he argues—both nonsensical and irrelevant. We can never prove it or disprove it, and it has no bearing on any aspect of our lives."

It can matter. We assume that we live in a world where everything has to make sense according to the laws of physics. If our world were just a simulation, it would be understandable that some of our existence doesn't make sense because the programmers who implemented our simulation didn't implement those non-sensical aspects.

"The only thing that matters is that one day, everything will matter." -- Todd Rundgren, 1974

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Subtle and excellent point. Thanks, Scott

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